Getting started

<aside> 👋 Hi! Thank you for downloading the Ultimate Style Guide Template! Below is a quick overview of the contents you’ll find.


First and foremost: click Duplicate at the top right to copy everything into your Notion workspace. After you log in or sign up, you will be able to edit and share the style guide with your contributors.

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Style guide template

Start building your own style guide upon this comprehensive framework.

Writing resources

Browse ready-made style guides, associations and tools for better writing.


To share the Style guide with your contributors, go to the page and click Share at the top right. Enable Share to web and and set the required options as follows:


You can also share the Style guide template page with your content creation management team for them to edit, as long as they have a Notion account. Just enable Allow editing in the link options.

Powered by Qabiria

Qabiria boasts more than 15 years in the language business. We’ve written, translated and transcribed hundreds of millions of words in 20+ languages. This Style guide template is the essence of our experience and aims to be the most complete and easy-to-use tool to create the best possible style guide and share it with your contributors.

Visit for more information and don’t forget to follow us on LinkedIn for the latest updates.